Here Is what I would love for you to do: I'm going to leave this blog candy up till the end of April, I would love it if you could add my blog candy to your side bar to let your friends know of my candy and if you are not a follower and like what I create I would love to have you as a follower,Leave a comment with a way for me to get to you if you win, and as for my followers now, I appreciate all of your comments and your visits:-) I'm sad that I am having such a hard time with my shoulder right now because creating makes me happy and all I'm doing now is sitting and looking at my cool things...Hubby also got me the Spellbinders grand dies:-) but that will have to wait. I was not able to join Sundays with Crissy on the 3rd as I would normally do, I pray May 3rd or before I will be able to, I do have a few images colored I just need to get the arm working to cut and put my cards together. Good Luck and wish me luck that i can get my arm moving on my own.